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The bladder system runs its energy most intensely from 3 PM to 5 PM. The way we feel at this particular time is a direct reflection of the health of the bladder. The bladder system includes the meridians and all the muscles that make energy for the bladder including: the erector spinae muscles that run the full length of the spine and most of the muscles of your lower legs. That’s why your ankles can swell when you have a long history of carrying heavy emotional burdens while only thinking about them and not actually feeling them.

Most people think feeling their feelings means acting them out, talking about them or thinking about them. Feeling our feelings is not a thought process. Feeling your feelings means experiencing the profundity of them without the mind doing anything to change them.

When we feel all our feelings, the brain ceases its unconscious pattern of generating stories about what we’re feeling. In the calmness that ensues, we experience the depths of our own spirit.

All feelings we do not feel—whether positive or negative—build up pressure inside our body. Based on the latest pet scan research, emotional pressure causes the average person’s brain to generate about 70,000 thought forms every day. The trouble is: almost every thought the brain generates is divisive and confined within the past or future. This way of thinking causes us to think and act in ways we would not script if we knew we were writing the story of our life.

As the cumulative pressure from unfelt feelings builds up, we create a “pain body.” The constant stress of unfelt feelings creates inflammatory processes that impair physiology and shortens our life span significantly. As stated earlier, pain that is purely physical rarely exceeds a four on a one-to-ten pain scale. Pain that builds to an eight or nine is about 80 to 90% emotional.

Releasing Emotional Pressure

A habit I recommend and have done first thing every morning for many years is: Check in on your feelings when you go into the kitchen to make your morning tea or coffee. It may take a half an hour or more of one feeling at a time coming up until you have cleared the emotional pressure from the day before.

The first feelings that come up are usually so non-descript that it’s hard to define them. Usually you just don’t feel happy. As those subtle feelings clear, the more mid-range feelings like irritation or worry. By the time you have finished, you will have experienced a lot of different feelings. Feeling the feelings—without mental dialogue—releases them.

By the time you finish your morning beverage, you have usually released all the negative feelings that would have darkened your day. Then you are set up to have a great morning. This morning ritual really sets the day up right.

When you don’t feel your feelings, they build up over months and years, creating stagnant or polluted feelings. The build-up of negative feelings causes the bladder and kidney systems to suffer distress. The stress from built-up feelings is the principle cause of high blood pressure.

Taking on Other people’s Emotional Pressure

Another way we develop a pain body is by listening to, absorbing and taking in other people’s problems. Being a sponge. Often, we’re sympathetically resonating with the emotional pain of “their story,” concerned about them, suffering with them. This causes us to absorb their negative feelings into our bodymind, as if they were our problems.

We need to learn to see everyone as powerful spiritual beings, and not resonate with their problems. Only then are we seeing people correctly. Remember, everyone is exactly where they need to be to learn the precise lesson they are here on Earth to learn, and everyone has every talent they will ever need to handle every problem they will ever face. When a person is talking about their problems, ask yourself what is this powerful spiritual being needing to learn from this lesson? 

As soon as the conversation opens, ask your friend what kind of lessons they think they need to learn from this. Resonate with their strengths, not their weaknesses. Ask them, “On balance, what are you supposed to learn from this situation?” It’s important for them to focus on the good that is happening in their life—their triumphs, the sweetness—not just their tales of woe. Tragedies are always bittersweet. To achieve balance, inquire about the sweetness in this situation.

Friends listen to each other’s stories so they can help each other work things out. That’s what friends do. But many people habitually dump their problems on others. People like that are too toxic to be around. After they dump their trash, they feel good. They dumped their trash. You feel bad. Whoa!

You may need to separate yourself from people who do not respect this boundary. In the end, you are the one who suffers from their problems. When you keep taking in everyone’s problems, it is harmful to your own bladder.

Your Need for Water
Most people don’t drink enough water. They are chronically dehydrated, which causes 128 low-grade symptoms such as constipation, headache, fatigue, and swollen joints. None of these symptoms will kill you outright. They just dim your life force down until your whole life feels difficult. All your body’s functions suffer when you do not drink enough water. When you’re dehydrated, your brain shrinks. Whoa! That may get you to drink more water.

I recommend putting a full glass of water by your bedside at night and drinking all of it before you let yourself leave your bedside in the morning. Drinking a big glass of water first thing in the morning makes you thirsty all day. When you’re thirsty it’s so much easier to drink enough water.

If you do not drink water until later in the day, you’ve trained yourself to be a camel. Then it’s all but impossible to force yourself to drink adequate amounts of water. You are slowly killing yourself if you do not drink enough water. Coffee, sodas and alcohol actually dehydrate you—including your brain. You can drink them if you want, but you can’t count them as water. They don’t hydrate you.

Stagnant, unfelt feelings show up as bags under your eyes and edema in the lower abdomen and legs. The situation escalates when you don’t drink enough water. The unfelt feelings create stagnant water in your body which negatively affects both your kidneys and your bladder system, including the meridians and all the muscles that make energy for them.

Because impurities and unwanted minerals are not being flushed out, your system is gradually poisoned. The resulting toxicity stresses your kidneys out, especially when you add an overload of unfelt feelings. The intuitive feelings that help you avoid the problems of life get so obscured by internal toxicity that your intuition is diminished.

On the other hand, if conditions like diarrhea or prolonged grief cause your bladder to eliminate wastes too quickly, water reserves fall low and you can have dry skin and hair, headaches, general discomfort, loss of appetite, tiredness and irritability. Your eyes and mouth get dry. In times like this, you may need to take supplements that bring up your electrolytes. I personally like “Ion gut health” from IonBiome.

Excerpted from Body Intelligence, A New Paradigm by John L. Mayfield, D.C.
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John L. Mayfield, D.C —
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